I'm a happy princess.
I know I can and will be
HAPPIER tomorrow.

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princess lara * girl
While I wait for Jeff's reply or figure out html myself (whichever comes first), MY BLOG will be totally BORING.
Jeff!!! Help me PLEASE!!!
Im' so confused. I did something wrong again with the template and I can't figure out what. Gosh.
I'm just an advertising goddess, not a techie one!
Lemon Twisted Minds...

Promo girls & boys in "futuristic" costumes... as in tights na pang superhero. hahaha! They give out samples and at certain times, eh sumasayaw rin sila... sa tugtuging "Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani".

Tapos libre yung picture taking sa group of friends nag magvivisit sa booth.

Yun na yun. Ang labo noh? Ano naman ang kinalaman nun sa lemon twist?! Aliens and lemons?! hahaha! =) deadma na! Tuwang-tuwa naman sila eh! Pero seriously, aligned naman sha dun sa above-the-line... meron kasi alien animation dun sa TVC at print...
Here with Jantima (Ann) and Ginganok (Gin) at Centerpoint Siam

Taken last Saturday at Central Chidlom during the 60th birthday of one of the 'hi-so' ladies (mala-Baby Arenas ang dating nya or something...). In fairness, the party was attended by the royalties.
So, sandali... sino si Stefan?! hahaha!
Ewan... hindi naman sha sikat, but he has some TV appearnaces na rin... pero para sa kin, isa lang shang afam na nanghingi ng yosi.
The One That Got Away
It's the kind of love you never recover from...
Every woman remembers that one special man who slipped through her fingers, leaving her not only asking the question "What happened?", but also wondering about what could have been...
He wasn't perfect. Not even close, in fact he had many flaws. But in my heart he was the truest love of my life...
Some may have completely lost contact but as for me, I know exactly how he is and where he is. I guess he will forever be the "one" that I'll just fondly remember, and look forward to seeing again and again (yes, I still get to see him every once in a while).
Who is he? ah basta... he's happy with his family na and I'm happy for him. Honestly... no bitterness or whatever.
Masaya lang isipin. Remembering happy moments. But again, it's just it and nothing more. It doesn't mean naman na I'm stuck and have not moved on...
I have moved on. Believe me.
Must-Read Books...
Well, you will definitely NOT find Da Vinci Code on my list! Hahaha! I haven't even bothered picking up a copy of that book! Duh?!
My list is 100% chick lit!
Hey girlfriends! If you haven't read the books below, get a copy now! (and oh, I've added a little something about the books which I got from Publishers Weekly)

It's a classic single-woman scenario: you really like this guy, but he's giving mixed messages. You make excuses, decide he's confused, afraid of commitment. Behrendt, a former executive story editor for Sex and the City and a formerly single (now happily married) guy who knows all the excuses provides a simple answer: he's just not that into you. Stop kidding yourself, let go and look for someone else who will be. After all, as Behrendt sensibly puts it, "if a (sane) guy really likes you, there ain't nothing that's going to get in his way." By all means read this smart, funny and surprisingly upbeat little book, full of q's and a's covering every excuse woman has ever made to avoid admitting to herself that a man just wasn't that smitten with her.

Libby Mason, 27, enjoys her fashionable career in PR, but is determined to marry a rich, "gorgeous" man who will support her in sumptuous style and allow her to join the class of ladies who lunch. Her previous relationships have proven unsatisfactory on all fronts, but then she meets Nick, who happens to be "gorgeous," smart, funny, sensitive and unparalleled in the sack, but unfortunately also a struggling writer who lives in a "grotty" (but clean) bedsit. Libby decides to have fun in bed with Nick and not fall in love, because he's not rich and she doesn't like his left-wing, blue-collar friends. They do have lots of great sex, until Nick breaks up with Libby because he is too attracted to her and isn't ready for a relationship. Libby turns for comfort to her best friend, Jules, who is happily married to the "gorgeous" Jamie. On a girl's night on the town, Libby meets well-known financier Ed McMahon, who is very rich and very eligible, but not "gorgeous" he is older, pompous, boring and the worst lay she has ever had, but when he proposes Libby accepts, as she sees her dream of becoming the idle rich at last coming true. Despite an annoying overuse of the word "gorgeous," Libby Mason manages to garner reader sympathy and even a cheer or two. Green has a charming way with dialogue and sex scenes, making this a cheerful read.

They're ravenous. They're ruthless. They live in a strictly hierarchical, alpha-dog, eat-or-be-eaten world. No, it's not a rerun of Wild America; it's the world of dressed-to-the-nines Park Avenue heiresses, aka Bergdorf Blondes, botoxed to within an inch of their barely-into-the-third-decade lives. Our unnamed London-born heroine is New York's favorite "champagne-bubble-about-town" and just as effervescent and exhilarating as a fine bottle of Dom Perignon. Blissfully self-interested and flush with the cheeriness that comes from being, well, flush, Miss Disposable Income 2004 sashays her way through New York society in search of the perfect P.H. (Potential Husband)-"Have you any idea how awesome your skin looks if you are engaged?"-and the perfect butt-shaping pair of Chloe jeans. Despair occasionally strikes when her latest prince turns into yet another toad, but it's nothing an invitation to an uber-exclusive Hermes sale and a gallon or so of Bellinis can't fix. She's got the creme de la creme along with her for the ride, including her best friend, the fabulously wealthy heiress Julie Bergdorf, who is tres supportive of her nervous breakdown=You'll be able to dine out on how crazy you went in Paris for months-and a posse of chattering, Harry Winston-bedecked clones with whom to limo around New York. Tacky? Absolutely. But it's impossible not to be massively entertained by a woman who refers euphemistically to oral sex as "going to Rio" in memory of the first man who suggested she get a Brazilian bikini wax, considers vodka a food group and who holds up glamour as the first of the commandments. This is a savvy and viciously funny trip into a glittery, glitzy world we sure wouldn't want to live in-but by which we're more than happy to be vicariously consumed for the length of a book.
There are a lot of great books... my list could go on and on... but these are just my top-of-mind faves. Hope you'll like it too!
Happy reading!