I'm a happy princess.
I know I can and will be
HAPPIER tomorrow.

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princess lara * girl
Okay, moving on...
Tinigilan ko na ang aking mga kadramahan.
But only for now.
Here I am... going international.

Kahit anong nationality, parang sugar mommy pa rin ako ng over...
Who do you fancy?
How difficult is it for me to at least just fancy the right bachelors? You know, this is probably the one area of my life that's a complete disaster!!!
I can't figure out why I fall for the wrong ones. I've always had the tendency to fall for the ones who can never be mine (whether they're already committed or will just never be interested in me)... and the ones that fancy me are generally pretty revolting. Hahaha! kainis diba?!
And I fancied a lot of men in years and I'd like to believe that they fancied me too ... but most of them are just plain Mr. Wrong! I suppose you can't really help who you fancy, right? Somehow, when someone gives you that tingly feeling in the pit of your stomach, you stop thinking about the rights and wrongs, the shoulds and should nots, and you just go with it...
I Wish I Wasn't
When is a woman 'too old' to be fooling around... too old for 'psuedo-relationships' (you know... the parang kami pero hindi stage)... too old to be just having fun and enjoy being single?
Honestly, I believe that a woman in her mid-20's should have the time of her life. Experience what it has to offer to the fullest! But once she hits the age where 30's is just a stone throw away, and menopause is sort of happening in the 'next 10 years or less'... she better get a hold of herself, stop and think... "Where is my life heading? Will I be a spinster [still a bitch nonetheless...] or do I actually want to settle down, get married?!"
Well, if she chooses the latter, she better prepare herself for it.
How? Well, first... open herself to real relationships. Never settle for sex. Stay away from the temptations of involving herself to married men or already-in-a-relationship kind of men. There already so many mediocre things in this world, and love shouldn't be one of them.
Next, circulate... with the right people. How can she find decent guys if she hangs out with gays in super gay places? Or goes with her married guy 'friend' for a drink? Let's get real...
Losing weight should also be part of preparing herself. But if that's too much to ask for right now... fine. Other guys are okay with girls who are the 'more-to-love' body type anyway. On the second thought, guys I know who love girls like that are either married or divorced... hmmm... okay forget about it being okay. Losing weight should be on top of her list.
Time is running. And it is running fast.
Finding Mr. Right in the world of Mr. Maybe is a difficult thing. But she should not fret... never settle for anything less than mad, passionate love.
Here's the song I'm listening to while writing this post.
I wish I wasn't in love with you
So you couldn't hurt me
It just ain't fair the way you treat me
No you don't deserve me
Wasted my time thinking bout you
and you ain't never gone change
I wasn't in love with you
so I wouldn't feel this way
When you touch me my heart melts
Everything you did wrong I forget
So you play me & take advantage
Of the love that I feel for you
Why you wanna hurt me so bad
I believed in you that's why I'm so mad
now I'm drowning in disappointment,
and it's hard for me to even look at you
...I've always been a sucker for romance
And before you know it, I concede
You're all over me
Oh no here I go again
I wish I wasn't in love with you
So you couldn't hurt me...