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I don't know. It was supposed to be my last day at work last Friday. But no, I'm still here in McCann! My desk is still a complete mess...
Perfect Love
A friend emailed me and I just want to share it with you.
This struck me and affirms the message God's been telling me lately and maybe just let go of my bitterness...
You're On The Look Out For A Significant Other?
Everyone longs to have a deep soul relationship with
another and to be loved thoroughly and exclusively.
But God says: "No, not until you are satisfied,
fulfilled, and content with yourself totally and
unreservedly to Me, discovering that only in Me is
your satisfaction to be found, will you be capable
of the perfect human relationship that I have
planned for you.
Stop planning, stop wishing, and allow Me to give
you the most thrilling plan - one that you cannot
I want you to have the best.
Please allow Me to bring it to you.
You just keep watching Me,
expecting the greatest things.
Keep listening to what I tell you.
Don't be anxious. Don't worry.
Don't look at things others have.
Don't look at the things you think you want.
Just keep looking at Me,
or you'll miss what I want to show you.
And then, when you're ready,
I'll surprise you
with a love far more wonderful than
any you would dream of.
Until you are ready and until the one I have
for you is ready - until you are both satisfied
exclusively with Me and the life I prepared for you -
you won't be able to experience the love that
exemplifies your relationship with Me,
and this is the perfect love!
But then again, I may just be totally bored to be reading and then posting this.
Do you honestly think that I believe any of these???
X number of days to go!
I don't really know when I'm leaving for Bangkok. I haven't booked the plane tickets yet. But it will definitely before Aug. 9 (because that's the day when I start working!). I'm still here at McCann until Friday, July 23. Until then, I will just keep killing time doing my Blog, and maybe attend a couple of client meetings, pretend to work by looking at my desktop the entire day...
My Big Bon Voyage Party
Well, it wasn't exactly my party last night at the NBC Tent. But, heck it was the last event of Momentum that I attended before finally flying to Bangkok. I will definitely miss Momentum. Here we are in full force at the event.

In photo are Toti, Randy, Rudy, Me, Ichi, Alma, Chuva, Karen and Arvin
With my immediate boss, we call him "Tito Ruds" (pronounced with a slang shala colegiala tone)

And how timely, here's Rachel Alejandro singing "Paalam Na"...

Things I learned...
From college...
I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
From my first job...
I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of minutes by people who don't even know you.
From Events Circuit/ MME...
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel and thatsometimes the people you expect to help you get back up when you're down may be the ones that are there to kick you down further.
From leaving Events Circuit/ MME...
I've learned that life doesn't turn out like we want it to but making the most of how it turns out is the best way to be happy.
Now with McCann...
I've learned that time heals all and from every frustrating experience on eventually finds humor.
From loving a friend who turned out to be gay...
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.
And no matter how much I care,
some people just don't care back.
From my true friends...
I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
Sick Leave
Ha! I called in sick today. But really, I was just too lazy to get out of my bed. And besides, it's a Wednesday...I don't want to miss the live via satellite episode of the Amazing Race.
Now that I will be leaving my Momentum family in 3 days, I can't help but reminisce all the fun moments we had...
I remember when we dressed-up for Halloween.
I came in my usual self - A WICKED WITCH.

We went to Baguio for the Enduro San Mig Light Adventures.
It wasn't really my project, but Arvin and I joined anyway - bunch of free loaders!
hehehe... we went there for the ever famous ukay-ukay!

In photo: Celine Lopez, Munik Manalo, Alma Francisco, Arvin Zapanta, Vim Sto. Domingo, Rudy Villar
The San Miguel Strong Ice Launch (not my project as well, but I joined for the free drinks!).

In photo: bunch of crazy drunks!
And of course, more drinking! Imagine how much fun I had in McCann!

In photo: Val Peramide, LaraGirl, Chuva Cruz
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all "LASINGAN". May mga wholesome din naman! Oh, with Spidey!

Hay, super dami pa ng chika ko sa office. I will never forget these wonderful moments! Thank God again for Blog, I can share them with you!
Momentum Family
This is my family here in McCann.

It's my last work week. Today is the last Monday that I will go to my 34th floor office here at GT Tower. I'm starting to say goodbye to the great people I have work with.
And starting to pack my stuff! Can you imagine all my trash...gosh.
Cleaning never ends! I have thrown away a total of 2 garbage bags and my desk is still a complete mess!
18 days to go!
It's Sunday and I have nothing to do except Blog and Friendster. How pathetic.
19 days to go!
I'm not really doing anything important these days. Just slacking...
And thank God for the Blog! I have something to kill my time other than friendster.
20 days to go!
Oh, it's 20 days to go before I finally leave for Bangkok. I can't really tell if I'm excited or scared. What the fuck, I have never been alone in my entire life! I will surely miss all my friends and family. Fucker, no love life to think about??? Oh, well. Maybe it's there. True love may be waiting at the airport, or at Emporium or Chidlom... but I sure hope that I don't find him in Pat Pong (it's the sleazy district).