Sex on the First Date
Did you notice how I jump from one topic to another lately? Well, consistency is not really something that I have. And don't ask me why I chose this topic. If you don't like it, then don't read it.
To most people, sex is still something that should not be openly discussed with others. Much so for discussing on having it on the first date right?! But everybody knows that I am not one of those people... so no one can actually stop me from posting about it.
Sex on the first date may end up being the best you ever had, ruin the date, or destroy prospects of a friendship evolving first and a real meaningful relationship. The latter is particularly true if either party walks away or has next-day doubts about whether sex should have occurred.
Yes or no. Well, everything is still up to you.
In principle, my answer is no. But then again, you never know what might happen right? And perhaps even more people have sex on their first date more than we know but they just don't tell others about it. LOL. Or maybe not... some people don't even kiss on the first date. But of course you do not need to do anything if it's a terrible one, duh! That's a given already.
I just want to share with you some portions of a very interesting article that I came across with recently. The title is Sex on First Date: a DO or a DON'T?, written by Brian Larkin (I suppose he's your average have-fun-while-you-can male).
He said...
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with having sex on the first date. If you are like Neil Young and are looking for a heart of gold then you might want to avoid it. But if you are like me and looking for a heart of Jose Cuervo Gold, then by all means go for it.
Exactly what constitutes a date, anyway? Is being at the same party or bar considered one?
People really only start to date after they have been hooking up for a while, which is very economical if you think about it. Why spend a lot of money on a girl unless a good time is guaranteed? Instead of dating, us guys are more than likely going to call a girl after the bar lets out to see if she wants to "hang out" or "watch a movie" or "do something," all of which are clearly euphemisms for sex.
If you do not want to do the nasty on the first date, then more power to you. But if the reason you do not is because of what other people might think, then you have the wrong motives. Doing it on the first date is a horrible idea if you are not well able to deal with extremely awkward situations. Unless you thrive on embarrassing situations (and I mean thrive), I would not advise it.As long as both consenting sides are mature enough and aware of the potential consequences, including the possibility of a one-night stand, awkwardness and feeling downright crummy about oneself, then do whatever you want. After all, one-night stands are not the worst thing ever, awkwardness is ironically normal.
And alcohol is the answer to every question of self-doubt.
Interesting point of view from a guy.
And a very honest one, right?