princess lara * girl
Buri (in thai)
How much do I love thee...
let me count the ways?!

Last night, I actually went out in the middle of the night to buy a pack at 7-Eleven (which is actually quite far from my unit, wala kasing sari-sari stores near my place at kung meron man, gabi na mashado). I can sleep off other desires (hmm... wonder what these are?!), but not my nicotine craving.
I need to smoke.
I know (like all the smokers out there) that smoking is dangerous and can cause serious illnesses in the future. And we just don't or can't or won't stop. Sometimes, I tell myself... well it's not that I can't quit. But I just simply don't want to. It keeps me sane. I don't see myself quitting in the near future =)
BTW, for those people who want to visit me here in Thailand, don't forget to buy me two reams. Ang mahal ng yosi dito ha! 55baht per pack! 1baht=P1.5 right now, meaning P82.50 each. Ang daming packs na yun sa pinas ha!