princess lara * girl
MME 10th Anniversary

This is long overdue... well, better late than never.
Most of the people thought I was crazy to waste money on airfare just to attend the anniversary party. But not for me, money is nothing compared to being reunited with the people who were part of my life for a long time.
MultiMedia Exponents is where it all started.
Well, technically it was my second job. But most of the things that I know now - I learned from them. It was not easy being with them for 3 years and 8 months --- but I don't regret it. It's still the longest time that I stayed in one company and there were a lot of happy moments din naman.
So, to all the MME people... congratulations! And good luck... I'm sure you'll have more anniversaries to celebrate!
With Jess (one of the ex-AEs) and the owners: Adet and Robin

I was the very first AE that they hired... people came and left- but soon after there was Abbie. She stayed! LOL. And she even stayed longer than I did!

And then of course before Abbie left, she had to pass it on to someone else... and that lucky girl is Yeng. Here we are, three lovely ladies...

With papa Tiks... he's my bestfriend kahit na masungit most of the time. I miss the days when we would pig out... seriously! Sobrang lakas namin lumamon - obviously! Look how 'healthy' we are...

So there... 'til next time! See you again soon!