princess lara * girl
Four Days
No internet. No blogs. No sms. No phone calls.
Just officemates, clients and their dealers. Together with the mountains and trees...
And I hated every minute of it.
I hate peace and tranquility. I love stress. I love the chaotic city traffic and pollution, my cable connection and most especially phone calls from him whoever he is.

So anyway, a trip will not be complete without pictures... so here goes...
It was a typical dealers' conference with product training sessions in the morning and of course entertainment at night.
Here is our version of Viva Hot Babes...

And as always, client loved watching sexy girls do their stuff...

The morning after...
With Ann (Jantima)

And Neng (Suthipong)

On our way back we passed by Chokchai Farms and I saw a big cow...

And I just had to wrap my arms around its leg. hahahaha!
Yun lang. I have 1.84 gigabytes worth of pictures! Grabe.
Well, I can't post everything naman shempre.
Plus I also have so many thoughts running inside my head, but I can't seem to find the words to actually write it here. So for now, let us just pretend that I'm okay and busy with work as always. Deadma na muna ulit ang chika sa TRUE LOVE, until I've figured it out.