princess lara * girl
Just Another Year...
Today is my first anniversary here in the office! Yipee!?
I think I will be staying here longer than expected. At first a lot of people were saying that I'd probably go home after a few months or so... but hey, still here!
OMG... I've been working for only 7 years but I feel like retiring already!
October 1998 - January 1999 Telephilippines
February 1999 - October 2002 Events Circuit/ MultiMedia Exponents
December 2002 - February 2003 Adformatix
February 2003 - August 2004 McCann-Erickson
August 2004 - Present Thailand!
I can't imagine how the other people celebrate like 20 years or something in 1 company... LOL. Perhaps like Yeng and Abbie, both of them are still on their first job! Amazing!!!
5 companies in 7 years... well, I think it's not that bad... I know some people have 5 companies in just a year.
Cheers to all the corporate sluts out there!