princess lara * girl
On saying good-byes...
It's only now that I realize that I'm good at this, especially to my family. The morning when I left the house, I casually just said bye to my family like I was just going on an out-of-town trip or worse, like I'm just going to the mall. I kept the pain inside me. You will not believe how hard I kept my tears from flowing... I have always been a strong person.
Good thing, I came prepared. I wore sunglasses. And underneath it were my red, teary eyes. No one saw it. I always like being in control and breaking down in tears is a total no-no. And so I went to the airport, checked in... and then, there I was standing in line at the gates, with tears streaming down my face (and I really mean STREAMING, not my usual drama when "a tear fell"). I couldn't help it. I texted friends, and the more messages I received, more tears came flowing. There were friends who called me, and I fought back the tears again. I couldn't bear them hear that I was actually crying. Moments before boarding, I just had to call someone, a friend whom I can actually cry to. And so I did. I adore Jeng. And I think she cried as well. I recover easily you know. I even managed to take a picture of myself at the airport, trying to smile.